We agreed to have my sis over thinking we'd have a family around and she wanted to look for a job oppt too. but instead we were doing all the running abt while she kept messing abt. We tried talking to her n advicing her, which obviously went over her head. She took no heat to that at all. She told us that she was bored and didn't think whatever she did would effect us.On the other hand the phone bills went sky high as she kept hangging on the phone behind our backs while we're out to work. She's now gone home as the job that she's got will only start in late this yr. Now she's been home for over 7 mths and she's not once called us without being told to. She is 25. Whenever i called she is out. I told my parents abt what all we had to deal with while she was here but they inturn have turn a cold shoulder on us. And are still insisting that they want her to come back n stay with us. How can i let this junk stay in my house when she finds it diff to keep in touch with me? after all the struggling n effort we put into her she prooved herself as a real ungreatful person. when i complained to dad 2 days back, all of a sudden she sends me an email a very formal one. I was very pissed off...she starts in soon n till todate she hasn;t called us or even book her tickets we're no charity organisation to let anyone come n go as they please. I replied and she forwards the email to her best friend. thats just how much bonding she's got with me(sis). She didn;t reply. in my mail expressed all my feelings n thoughts abt her. Despite all this my parents still refuse to understand that she;s just trouble and they should just keep her there. Instead they're also starting to ignore us and finding alternative route's for her to come work n live here, behind my back. How can they do that? Am also their blood as much as she is. How do i handle this. Please help.