
How should i run my next 400 meter race to get my time down?

by  |  earlier

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My last race i ran a 53.6 seconds, and i failed to get out and my coaches is telling me otherwise. Advice would really help because hopefully , i want my time in the 50, 51 second range




  1. sorry everybody, i dont think the 400 is that confusing...

    I run it too... but if you want to break it down into 4 parts I will

    1 100- sprint.. as fast as possible

    2 100- sprint.. as fast as possible

    hang in their and sprint for the next 75 meter... they are the toughest

    then with 125 meters left- sprint.. give it everything you got

    good luck

  2. The 400 is a complex race, and you need to break it into parts.

    Get out just like you are running the 100. When you get to speed in about 40 meters, then try to relax and keep your form and speed, without trying to go faster.

    You float the backstretch, coming through the 200 about 2 seconds slower than your 200 race time.

    At the 200 you need to increase your effort to maintain your speed since it is harder to run on the curve than the straight.

    At the top of the curve pick up your speed so as you come off the curve you are now running as fast as  you can run for this part of the race.

    With the home straight keep your form and stride frequency going by keeping your arms moving at the same rate and movement, that is don't let your arms slow down or shorten their motion.

    Remember that you are already going at your top speed so don't try to run faster, if you try to run faster you are going to tense up and slow down.

    The only way you can run fast for this distance is to run relaxed.

    Your last 200 should be less than 2 seconds slower than your first 200.

  3. form running helped my times so much

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