
How should i spell my sons to be name?

by  |  earlier

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Koby or Coby

im not pregnant lol.....but it cant hurt to have these things planned lol




  1. Coby with a "C" looks better, but depending on what the child's other initials are(middle name, last name) What 3 letters would look the best as the child's initials? Because you know eventually those will be the letters he will be using for the rest of his life when he has to put his initials somewhere...

  2. Koby

  3. I like Koby better of your two choices, but I prefer Kobey or Kobe :o)

  4. Coby!!!!!! Sooooo cute!

  5. Coby

    Looks Better I think. XD

  6. My nephew is spelled COBY

    I dont like it with the K

    LOL good planning so what are you going to do if it is a girl? lol You should probably plan for that too lol

  7. I like it as Koby with a K.

    It sounds and looks softer but its your choice!

    Haha have fun planning! LOL!

  8. Well as it will be your son it up to you but in my opinion Coby looks better...

    Hope I helped :)

  9. I personally like Coby better because it looks more professional and formal, but it sounds really nice for a kids name.

  10. If you really like that name I'd use Coby for a boy and Koby for a girl.

  11. Coby, Definitely

  12. C. Names startin with c sound very warm and sweet...

  13. I think that you should go with Koby. It isn't as popular as Coby.

  14. I would spell it koobee, jsut to be different, but if we are really talking about a totally hypothetical childs name, then go for the gold and spell it quoe-beagh the IV just to be safe, or I'd go with mark or jack or steve.

  15. Coby by far, i don't like it with a 'K'

  16. lol


  17. I would go with Coby unless it looks strange with your last name.  Kids these days are constantly having to correct the spelling of their names.  I named my daughter Tayla and spelt it like this because I thought it would be the simplest but people still spell it Taylor and she hates it.

  18. i love the name coby and a middle name that goes really well is jay. coby jay :) and then you could always call him CJ  too  

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