
How should i start a argument paper about why i decided to go to college???

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ok,its my first week of college and already i have a 3-4 page paper due in 3 days. I have to write: "an argument paper that explains why i decided to go to college" however, i have no idea how to start it

any help?




  1. Start your paper with the headline....."Why you chose that college". Make it personal. Offered clases, degree programs, instructors ( professors ), times and campus location. Generally, why you chose to go to college?  Simple......on planet Earth, there is only one industry for all employees or business owners - SALES.  There is no 2nd.  In the context of Sales, there is only three products available, 1. Products 2. Services or 3. Information. There is no 4th. Your school happens to fit in the "pay for information" category.

    You going to college is a mandate by the business culture of the planet in order to obtain as much information through a pay for the knowledge premus, that once concluded, you'll be better prepared through information achieved during school to become more successful.  Success is measured by not how much you can succeed on the planet, but is strictly measured by how much you know and that knoweldge is what drives success.

    "Education is the mentor of a competitor who is absent of experience".

  2. This is not for us to know, or decide. and it is not going to teach you anything for us to tell you. Perhaps you should say "I started college so I could go online and ask strangers what I feel and how to write it down" You need to think about the reasons you decided to go, and using your OWN words, convey that to your audience,

  3. Well why did you decide to go to college?    

    Perhaps it was because you want to continue learning or you want to improve or learn a new skill.   If these are the questions you are asking yourself, then build on them to provide an argument for and against them.

    Use the question as your heading, then build on it showing the pros and the cons for going to college.  

    If I were in your shoes, I would open my argument with ........I decided to go to college because I feel that although school was good and I achieved ............., it is not the end of my education but just a beginning of learning.   I want to be good at what I  hope to achieve, I have goals I would like to aspire to and  want to make something of myself now whilst young.    I have a good and active brain that needs to be nurtured and used productively.  

    These are the positive aspects of the argument.   If you want to include the negative side of the argument, then you can put in ........ I do not want to become one of the statistics of people who are jobless, who have no dreams or hopes for the future, nor be able to provide for my family.

    These are only ideas that come to mind as I type.   Never having done an argument paper such as you are being asked to do, these ideas are just mine.   Hopefully they will give you food-for-thought and the words will flow because they are your choice of words.  

    If you are required do produce so many hundreds of words, think about what it is you want to write in draft form, sleep on it and then look at them in the morning when you are fresh.    In the interim, jot down any thoughts or ideas as they come to you and then build on them.

    Good luck!

  4. Perhaps thinking about the opposite reasons will help you get started.

    Seven Excuses Not to Go to College...

    ...And Why They're Lame

    1. I can't go to college—nobody in my family has ever gone.

    In every family, someone has to be first. Why not you? True, being first can be hard. For instance, you may have to explain to the family why college is important to you. On the other hand, being first is likely to be a source of pride, for you and for your family.

    2. I've been in school for 12 years. That's enough! I just want a good job.

    Give college a chance. It's not like high school or junior high. For one thing, in college you pick a major—a subject area that you want to learn about. As for that good job—the best jobs and the best salaries go to college grads.

    3. I can't go to college because I can't afford it.

    Most students get financial aid to help pay for college, and most aid is based on need. This means that the less money you have, the more aid you might get.

    4. I can't go because I don't know how to apply or where I want to go.

    Tell your high school counselors you want to go to college fairs, where colleges introduce themselves to students. Ask them how to write to schools for information. Try to visit colleges that interest you. Keep at it. After a while, you'll get a feel for differences among colleges, and start to know what you want.

    5. I can't go to college—I don't know what I want to do with my life.

    Join the crowd. Thousands of college freshmen haven't decided on a major or on a career. That's how college helps. It exposes you to all sorts of subjects you've never heard of before. College is a great place to learn more about careers you'll love for life.

    6. I can't go to college, because I just won't fit in.

    Not so. Most colleges have students from many backgrounds. Homesick? Need a hand? Look for people with your interests or your background in the African-American club, on the soccer field, or in a Korean study group. Remember, college is a great place to meet new kinds of people with different lifestyles. And the more people you understand and feel comfortable with, the better prepared you'll be for the world after college.

    7. College is too hard for me.

    Not you, too! Most students worry about being good enough for college, so you're not alone. One idea: In high school, don't just study—learn how to study. Most good students have strategies for studying. Once you learn how to study, chances are you'll do fine. Still need help? Professors are really helpful, and so are tutors.

  5. Opportunity, desire to get ahead, how a college education provides you with the means of being a well-rounded intelligent individual, etc.

  6. thats so simple start by telling ur own story u dont need 2 make things up its actually things u went through just write them on paper.

    good luck

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