
How should i study for my semester exams?

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How should i study for my semester exams?




  1. Relax and don't get stressed especially just before the exam when people try to cram everything in their brains. It doesn't work actually. Its more effective if you memorise stuff in advance like 5 days before then you can revise everyday. But it would be much better if you pay attention in class when the teacher drops some hints on to which topic is more important and then you can study more effectively.

    I hope I helped. This is usually what I do and my results are good. Yup

  2. Here is an article about how to study. I would also read the one about homework organization because they are related. The best advice is to not wait until the last minute! Cramming is the worst way to study- or retain information.

  3. This is what I do: after every class, I gather all the notes the teacher said was important or what seems to the important, and summarise them, into a notebook specially for the study notes. Carry the notebook with you, and whenever you have the time (eg waiting in a line) get out the notebook and go though them. This also saves you from bringing all the books home just so you can study.

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