
How should i take my dog to the park?

by Guest59218  |  earlier

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I was thinking of taking my dog to a park. But he has never been outside of our house,yard or street.( only walks)... he is kinda skid-dish of other people and barks at other animals..... ( fence barker)

i want to socialize him or at least get him use to new noises and traffic of people ..... But i'm not sure how to go about it... I know dogs very well and they feed off negative energy.... I'm very nervous.... what should i do and how should i go about it....




  1. Well first what breed is your dog do some research on him on his attitude towards people. Then how old is he if he is 3 and not socialized it will be harder then if he is a puppy you should start when he is up to date! good luck!

  2. If YOU are nervous, your dog will be nervous. I would suggest a basic obedience class first, so you both gain more confidence. The trainers can also help you with socialization and greeting other dogs.

    And German Sheps are barkers by nature,it's what they do to alert you of trouble. Not to say that you can't stop them from barking, but GSD's are a very vocal bunch. See a trainer to help you with these issues first, then try a dog park. I have yet to find a dog park that I would take my two dogs to. I am not a fan of them, for many reasons.

  3. Hiya. You haven't said what kind of dog, how old etc.

    Take it slowly but under control. don't let him off the lead. Thats the worse that can happen. Might run straight home or into traffic, anything. Have you got a canni/halti/dogmatic head collar. This will give you the best control. We use the dogmatic, doesn't ride up into their eyes. You have control with their head, instead of a collar that could slip.

    Get yourself to class, best place. You'll receive the training and your dog will get the best socialisation he can. Under the eye of the trainer, he/she will give you the best advice possible.

    Best of Luck and just go for it. He'll love just sniffing about and finding a whole new world out there.  

  4. Watch the Dog Whisperer.  Take control and be a calm assertive pack leader.  Walk him with confidence and calm authority.  Start on your own street and make him sit instead of freaking out at passers by.  Introduce him to other dogs in an obedience class in a pet store.  Socialize him early and often.  If you keep him sequestered he will only get worse.  He thinks he is the pack leader now and thinks that the world is a scary place.  Consult a professional and change his status to submissive and he will trust that you will tell him when to get upset by your body language.

  5. put him on a leash get some treats and control his behavior!

    everytime he listens to u and does what u say give him a treat.

    your the boss! not him...

    teach him to behave in a good manor and give him treats so he feels good about himself when he does something good.  

  6. When I socialize a young dog or puppy I like to take them to the Wal Mart parking lot.  

    I will stand off to the side of the doors where the dog can see the people coming in and out.  

    Can see the cars moving about the lot.  

    The shopping carts are good too.

    By standing off to the side it remains you and your dog...  he gets to see plenty of action and  hear plenty of noises PLUS someone is sure to come over and talk a bit asking you about your dog.  So your dog gets to see a pleasant conversation going on between you and a stranger.  

    If he is nervous just reach down and pet him soothingly and tell him it is ok...  Keep the word NO out of your vocabulary for this socialization period...  should be a good time when he is out and about.  

    Good Luck

    H.O.T. Dog

    Handler Owner Trainer of GSD's

    Member U.S.A. & A.W.D.F.

  7. put him on a leash and just in case put a muzzle on him he might not like other people and maybe bite them

  8. Dogs act different in their own yards.  So the fact that he is a fence barker really is not the issue here.  

    Take him to an obedience class.  

    Take him with you whenever you can. Get him out.  Take him to where people are.  If he gets nervous, do NOT. pet him or try to soothe him.  This will just reinforce his behavior.  Act as if nothing is wrong.  Have people give him treats.  If he is too nervous to take the treat from them or if you think that he may bite.  Have the stranger toss the treats to him.  The goal is to have him see strangers as something good.  

    If he barks at anyone or another dog, turn around and walk the other way.  Go a short distance and then start over.  

    Most important, Keep yourself calm.  You dog will read your energy and respond to it.  

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