
How should i tell my mom I'm depressed?

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I'm sierra. I'm 14. and struggling from depression. i often cut myself && think about suicide. i dont know what to




  1. Well congrats (:

    wanting to tell someone is the first sign yo on on your way out of depression! SO GOOD FOR YOU :)

    there's a few ways you can do it, the most affective would be to sit her down and tell her, ( but i understand that seems scary) or you could go to a school counseller, and mention to her about it. ( i went to mine when my friends and i all fell out, and she REALLY helped,) could also write your mum a letter. don't worry it's all going to be fine,lots of people keep these things bottled up forever an end up in afwul situations, like with eating disorders , or they may even become suicidal. are young, so you may just be feeling confused ( like me, i'm 17 ) ...but if you are actually depressed , you need help from a counseller or doctor, but don'tworry! apparently 1/3 of the poulation are depressed , so it's no big deal gettting help..

  2. You could explain to your mom that recently you've been feeling down, and you could ask her to make you an appointment with a doctor, because you think it might be serious...if she asks questions, answer honestly.  

    If you can't talk to your mom directly, you could write a note explaining your feelings, or ask a trusted friend to talk to her for you.  Whatever way you decide, it's definitely important that you do talk to people.

    I am also 14, and I have suffered from depression in the past.  I didn't tell my parents, but eventually they guessed anyway...

    No one deserves to feel suicidal.  You have nothing to be ashamed of - depression isn't your fault, and you can get help for it.

    If you're the kind of person who doesn't find it easy to talk to friends/family about this, you could call a helpline or something.  

    There is loads of stuff out there that you can do, people you can talk to.  People will understand.

    Good Luck!

    Much Love,

    Saku <3

  3. first of all try to think why you are depressed. whats making you sad? please try not to harm yourself in any way it does not help. go out to eat with your mom or approach her when she isnt busy and tell her exctly how you feel. you never know..she can save your life!! hang in there ok? :) try to stay happy ..find the happiness in your life  

  4. Hi Sierra, sorry to hear how you're feeling. Life can be so difficult in early teens. So much to deal with. Too much for one person to deal with perhaps. Maybe you should share with your Mom, or a close friend........But remember they can give you support but at the end of the day it always comes back to yourself. They can give you temporary relief but only you can make it a permanent escape from depression. When you cut yourself does it give you some relief from your problems? Can you face up to those problems instead?

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