
How should i tell my mom that i have a boyfriend?

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well i'm about to get a boyfriend and i need help on the way to tell my mom this b/c i'm really not suppose to have one until 10th grade. And yes my mom is very strickt




  1. Follow her rules. If you break them, 10th grade will get turned into you have to wait till you are an adult and moved out of the house. Don't get a boyfriend until you are in 10th.

  2. She won't kill you for telling her, worst she could do is make life hard on you. If you are sure this is what you want to do walk up to her and tell her.  It may be h**l in the beginning but it will resolve it self. Just be sure that you can stick by your decision and the guy is not jerk.

    Good Luck...

  3. DONT TELL i told my daddy when i had s*x 4 years ago (i was 9) and he was very upset, just dont say anything! SECRETS!!!!

  4. just tell her jackass

  5. then dont tell her .  

  6. if your close tell her

    if your not or fear her.... then keep it a secret

    its your life.

  7. 10th grade!?!?!

    That's crazy.. Try just telling her the truth and explain your relationship and even bring up what you know about relationships.

    She has surely got to realize that you are going to this one or another.

  8. just tell her, "mom, I'm g*y and I have a bf".

    Hopefully she's not religous

  9. i never told my mum.. but when it got to a month i thought she had a right to no so i brought loads of my friends round.. including my boy friend and said mum this is bla bla bla and this is jon my boy friend .. she cant say anything when ur friends are there lol x

  10. it would help to know how old you are, but i would just tell her that you have a really good guy friend and maybe have you introduce him to your mom then you never no maybe she would like him then youcan tell her its your bf....

  11. dont say BOYFRIEND .

    say close guy friend[:

  12. i didnt tell my mum that i had a bf both my mum n dad just found out basically cos he is always ere lol so it was kinda ovious that and the fact that they saw me kissing him opps lol nt a gd idea if i was trying 2 keep it secret  

  13. Ok you aint suppose to have a boyfriend until you are in the 10th grade! So that means you young girl get your mind away from them boys and in them books.  

  14. Tell her if you really want to, but if she's as strict as you make it sound, she's going ot probably make you "dump" him, if you think it's worth it, tell her.

    Alternatively, you could try to reason with her and have her meet the guy if you think she'd be accepting of him and like him, to make her see that it's really not that bad and that he's a decent guy.

    Also, reassure her that you and him aren't going to do anything stupid (have s*x), that should help put her mind at ease.

    Good luck.

  15. then dont tell , my brother had 3 girlfreinds in 5th grade but told my mo, and she only said whatever cause she know's the only resaurant they'd be going 2 is Mc.Donald lol , just wait till the 10th grade if you still want your boyfreind

    Dont tell... or you you'll be yell'ed at...

  16. It's very good that she IS STRICT because girls are getting pregnant and STDs every day at your age.

    You shouldn't be kissing, having any kind of intimate relations, be by yourselves if you do become bf/gf.

  17. dont get one. anything under 10th grade is too young. you should just be worrying about being a kid. Dont go behind your mothers back because she feeds you and gives you a home- hey! she gave you LIFE. you should listen to her just becasue of those reasons.

  18. i think you should always be open with your mom and tell her everything so i mean just tell her all about him and say how sweet and respectful, or etc. he is and she'll understand.

  19. I would keep it a secret, untill you are in 10th grade, then tell her.

  20. I know you don't want to hear this, but your mom is right.  You shouldn't have one until you're older.  She is the mom, you should respect her wishes.  

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