
How should i tell my parents i am pregnant?

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i just began my freshman college year. i just got married (privately for now) about 1 wk ago, and we just moved into our own home. Now i have become pregnant... what do i do?




  1. the longer u wait to tell them ur situation, the more it will eat u up on the inside. tell them. but try to wait untill they r in a good mood. now best believe they will probably flip out but im sure they will do all they can do to help u.

    Yors truly

    lil mama drama!!!

  2. first off, you're an adult. whether they believe "premarital s*x" is or isn't wrong, which they probably will considering the marriage was kept a secret, they really don't have a say so in what you do with your body and your life.

    my best advice would just be to tell them. they can't really do anything about it, and any decision you make is up to you (abortion, adoption, or keep the baby). not to mention, you may want their help along the way. so, just go visit (or call, whichever you would prefer), and tell them; you're a mom-to-be now.

    good luck :)

  3. First I suggest if they don't know about you being married, break that news first. Give it a week or two then break the baby news. I bet they will happy, even if they are took back at first. And your an adult and have the right to do what you wish with your life. As parents they should be happy for you regardless. Good Luck and Congrats!

  4. Just began your freshman year in college--this fall?  Got married on the sly AND you are pregnant?  Jeez, talk about jumping in with both feet!  

    I would tell them about your marriage first.  Your mom will be upset if she hears it from someone else.  As for the pregnancy, many people wait until their second trimester to announce the news just to be sure everything is okay.  That's what I would do, and take your husband with you.  If they get upset, just say something like, I don't want to fight about this, it's already done and I'm going to let you have a few days to think it over before anyone says anything hurtful. Love you, and call me when you want to talk.  Good luck!

  5. well sence your an adult and married, its not going to be that bad. congrats!

  6. good job on getting yourself ready by getting married, and getting a home... I think you are mature enough to just sit them donw and pop the news... I like to wiat untill I get ultrasound pictures then show them in a card or something like that... make sit more exciting... CONGRATS!! Good luck!

  7. Depends upon what you want in your life

    If you opt to continue this pregnancy, in 18 years you will be out from under.... putting you at 38, into middle age.  If this isn't on your agenda immediately, google  your city + planned parenthood for an outline of your three options...

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