
How should i wean my 18 mth son off breastfeeding?

by  |  earlier

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more for comfort i think than any thing. he has it b4 he goes to bed and through out the night has he sleeps in my bed (another story) sometimes moans for it in the day when hes tierd, im a single mum and when he goes to his dads hes fine no dummies either.




  1. I stopped feeding my children when they were 18 months old - I simply gave him a sippy cup and when he tried to insist, I gently said "no, not now" and gave him the cup again.  It took a little while, but they soon got the hang of it.  

    Give yourself a week of saying "no" by then, it will be over.

  2. Sorry to hear that you want to wean him completely. He clearly needs it for comfort and attachment to his mummy, which is normal for an 18 mth old, especially one that sleeps in different beds and different places sometimes. However, it is really important that you get more sleep. 18 months is a really long time to go without a full night's sleep, and it is better for your health for your own health to night-wean him!

    I think an "easy does it" is the best approach. He is old enough to understand what you say to him now, so I would recommend continuing to bf him before he goes to sleep. In the night, however, when he want to bf, tell him that he can for a little while, but that it time for mummy's boobies (or whatever pet name you have for bf) to sleep. Do this more and more each night until you don't let him have any boobie at all in the night. Just say gently that it is time for everyone to sleep. Wear a t-shirt so it is difficult for him to get access to your chest.

    Another thing to try is to have him sleep in his own little bed next to your bed, or in his own crib. This will help to remove the constant temptation to bf all night. Again, he is now old enough to understand what you say to him, so you should be able to talk to him to tell him no (gently, of course).

    Good luck!

  3. So he stays at dad's with no issues? What does dad do before he goes to bed or when he's tired during the day? I would try doing the same (maybe he has a special cup and dad's house that he uses for comfort there, and you could borrow it or get one the same?)

    It might be tricky to wean him off it while he's in the bed with you, though - temptation will be so close. You might consider whether you want to wait to try to stop the night feeds until he's in his own bed.

  4. Have you talked to your pediatrician about this?  They are pretty resourceful.  Some hospitals, such as the one where I had my three kids, have departments that provide support for nursing mothers.  The nurses in that dept gave me some very good advice along the way. I breast fed all three of mine.

    Now it sounds like you son is attached to your breast (no offense for using the term) mentally/emotionally.  He sounds like he needs nursing for soothing(when he is tired).  My kids turned to sucking thumb/fingers.  That's not a good alternative because they get sick (cold, stomach bug,etc) more easily than other kids.  Some friends of mine gave their kids pacifiers-at least you can wash them.  It's much easier to help them get rid of pacifiers later than fingers/mommy's b*****s.

  5. My first born child was still breastfeeding at 2 years of age (night time comfort).  I started a counting method.  I would count to ten and then she'd have to come off.  Then I cut it back to 5.  This worked brilliantly for me and my daughter was weaned within a week.  My sister also tried this with her two kids and it worked for them too.

    FYI this method still works well for us with other things too.  For example at the park when its time to go home and the kids are reluctant we count out 10 more pushes on the swing and then that's it.

    My mum said I was breastfed until I was 2 and a half and she finally got me off after applying Stop and Grow to her nipples.  Its that nail polish that is not toxic but tastes soooo bad that you stop biting your nails.  Worked a treat.

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