
How should i word this hypothesis out?

by  |  earlier

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so basically i'm doing a psychology assignment and i have to come up with a question, an article answering that question, and a hypothesis along side 2 variables. with a summary of the article

so i've decided that my question will be "do obese people eat more than non obese people?"

and so i've found an article which basically states that there is a genetic variation called FTO which causes people to consume more calories. so how should i word the hypothesis? what are the independent and dependent variables?




  1. FAIL.

    You need much more info than that. And can't you be more original? Go back to your text book and learn some more.

  2. i don't know about wording, but I think in the grand scheme of things obese people DO eat more than non obese people, genetics or not

    part of it is probably genetic, but I think there is a large component having to do with eating more

    anyway, I think independent would be how much person eats, dependent would be obesity factor (howerver you measure that).  You could probably do it the reverse way as well though.

  3. What you need to do is find the article you're going to summarize. Then identify a hypothesis addressed in that article.

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