
How should l kiss my lady friend on the rings and hands?

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How should l kiss my lady friend on the rings and hands? What is a good way to get intimate with her when l kiss her hands and rings? What is a good way to kiss her rings?She loves to be kissed on the rings. but what is a good way to do it?




  1. bend down, as in bow deeply. It's also acceptable to sit on one of your knees.

    Then, hold out your palm, and wait till she extends her arm. Hold her hand delicately in both of your hands, and look in to her eyes for a FULL, FIVE seconds. (count slowly.) Then, bring your lips slowly to whichever ring excites you most. Before pressing your mouth against, look once again into her eyes, and say, "You are most beautiful today, milady." and then attack the ring with full force.

    You can do open mouth kissing with the ring on the first try, it's alright. But tonguing (french kissing) the ring is only acceptable on the 3rd or 2nd date. But slight flickers of your tongue is alright.

    GOOD LUCK =]

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