
How should one deal with a girl who is being condescending and irritating on PURPOSE?

by Guest33685  |  earlier

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I just don't think she likes me. I really don't care at all except for she hangs out where I socialize at and we are sometimes playing pool together or near to where I can hear the sarcasm. For instance, I put on System of a Down on the jukebox. No more than a few seconds after the song started, she goes LOUDLY, "System of a Down sucks!" I laughed it off. Then later she says, "Who played this?" I SHOUTED, "I did! Sorry you don't like it." She goes, "OMG! I love system of a down!"

You get the drift. She purposely is overly sarcastic, obnoxious, loud and I literally had to leave because I felt my temper rising and I didn't want to say something out of line and potentially end up in a bar brawl.

So, how do I deal with this person the next time I see her? I feel like i'm going to have to call her out but then again I feel like i'm too old for that c**p!




  1. The next time she does something like that, stop what you're doing and just stare at her. It's sure to embarrass her. Other than that, find another place to hang out.

  2. Like somebody else mentioned, next time she does something irritating, just stare at her. It is almost a foolproof way to make somebody look like an idiot because it will draw attention to her and people will immediately think, "Well, she just made everything awkward." If that doesn't work, do unto her as she does unto you. Laugh at everything she says and "accidentally" step on her feet. And give her the full-on dirty look (look at her feet, then at her outfit, then at her face, all with a sort of unpleasant face on as if you tasted something horrible, then once you get to her face and meet her eyes, quickly change your expression and smile condescendingly at her).

  3. if i were you i would just be... i guess a ***** back to her.

  4. She's probably acting this way because she's insecure.  

    I say you just continue to take the high road and ignore her.  I know I'm too old for girls like that, so I just do everything to avoid them.  You're doing the right thing by walking away to cool your temper.

    Unfortunately, there's no cure for girls like that.  Sometimes their behavior can follow them into usually takes a personal epiphany on their behalf to get over their behavior.

    Next time she bashes SOAD, just say, "They're my favorite band" or put her in her place by asking what she listens to.

  5. sounds like she needs a good slappin

  6. everyone loves a catfight

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