I just don't think she likes me. I really don't care at all except for she hangs out where I socialize at and we are sometimes playing pool together or near to where I can hear the sarcasm. For instance, I put on System of a Down on the jukebox. No more than a few seconds after the song started, she goes LOUDLY, "System of a Down sucks!" I laughed it off. Then later she says, "Who played this?" I SHOUTED, "I did! Sorry you don't like it." She goes, "OMG! I love system of a down!"
You get the drift. She purposely is overly sarcastic, obnoxious, loud and I literally had to leave because I felt my temper rising and I didn't want to say something out of line and potentially end up in a bar brawl.
So, how do I deal with this person the next time I see her? I feel like i'm going to have to call her out but then again I feel like i'm too old for that c**p!