
How should one deal with an employer who expects you to work during your vacation?

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I'm taking vacation next week, and when asked where I was going, my boss asked me to stop in to one of our offices in that town to help them through some issues. He also asked that I make myself available via phone and log in to check email regularly in case my internal customers have questions about anything.

I have a back-up person to handle everything I do and if there are issues, there's nothing that could damage the company or business.




  1. You need to look at a few things first before you rock the boat at your workplace.

    How much do you "need" and/or "want" to keep your current job. It seems to me that your boss realizes you are stuck needing the job and feels he can get away with this. He must also realize that you know you are replaceable and that if you refuse to make this a working vacation he will replace you.

    If you know you can get a new job easily in your field, I would tell your boss that you'd be happy to check in on the other office and daily checking e-mail and being available for phone calls, as long as he extended your vacation an equal amount of time to cover for any lost vacation time. Otherwise let him know it's your vacation time and you intend to enjoy it as far from the office as you can get.

  2. It depends on what your vacation policy is.  I would be VERY upset if my boss asked me to work on vacation at all.  Vacation is supposed to be a complete absence from work.  I would definitely voice your concerns with your boss' manager, or with human resources.  

  3. Tell him sorry you will be on vacation, if he gives you c**p go to HR. don't answer your phone. Too bad if they don't have it covered they should have of planned ahead.

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