
How should one react when they are look down on?

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Because they are poor, out of fashion, not being like "others", doesn't have the latest accessories?




  1. I only look down on a salafi wahhabi, even if he was a King.

  2. If one is a believer, one should be well satisfied.

    Sahih Muslim, Book 009, Hadith Number 3508.


    Chapter : Ila and keeping away from wives.

    What makes you weep? I said: Messenger of Allah, the Khusrau and the Ceasars (spend their lives in) the midst of (luxuries), whereas you being Allah's Messenger (are leading your life in this poverty). Thereupon Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Don't you like that they should have riches of their world, and you have the Hereafter.

    As for dealing with the ignorant (especially those who mock your beliefs):

    025.063 وَعِبَادُ الرَّحْمَنِ الَّذِينَ يَمْشُونَ عَلَى الأرْضِ هَوْنًا وَإِذَا خَاطَبَهُمُ الْجَاهِلُونَ قَالُوا سَلامًا

    025.063 And the servants of (Allah) Most Gracious are those who walk on the earth in humility, and when the ignorant address them, they say, "Peace!";

    Al-Qur'an, 025.063 (Al-Furqan [The Criterion, The Standard])

    Now, I'm not trying to fit the verse with my purpose here. Anyways, someone who has belief in Allah wouldn't go around mocking or looking down on people and that's why you can actually argue back with a better attitude.

  3. Hello stranger!


    I think you should at thattime think of Allah is happy with you and that's only thing that counts nothing else!

    remember that you are here to satisfy Allah only!

    don't care about being looked down, and I believe that the one who loves/cares for Allah only, Allah make people love him!

    Be happy and don't bother about things like that, I know its difficult but remember what I said!

    Inshallah, Allah will make you feel better.

  4. First walk away and take a deep breath. Even say a surah or dua in your mind. Or dhikr.

    Go somewhere isolated and sit down or even lay down. After you rest for a few minutes go and make wudoo and then make salat.

    Eat some lunch read Quran know that life is a test. InshaAllah we will pass.


  5. just remember my saying : Those who look down at others 4get that Allah will look down on them on the day of judgement.  

  6. Just remember that pride is not a good human trait, so their in the wrong not you.

  7. Walaikum assalaam sis.

    Don't ever give them a chance to do that to you sister, stand up for yourself InshaAllaah.

    Poor, ask only Allaah(swt) to better your lives, He is our Provider.

    Out of fashion, that is their problem what you wear is not who you are as long as you are modest and Allaah sees your heart, stay away from those who belittle you they are not worth your company.

    Befriend good muslims who fear Allaah(swt) they will never put you down they will love for the sake of Allaah. Keep good company.

    Being like others: You are unique and different, I was never like the others and I will never be, I rather be me and stand out tell that to yourself InshaAllaah.

    I was the only muslim girl in my high school and peer pressure was a torture untill I read these Ayyahs:

    29. Verily! (During the worldly life) those who committed crimes used to laugh at those who believed.

    30. And whenever they passed by them, used to wink one to another (in mockery);

    31. And when they returned to their own people, they would return jesting;

    32. And when they saw them, they said: "Verily! These have indeed gone astray!"

    33. But they (disbelievers, sinners) had not been sent as watchers over them (the believers).

    34. But this Day (the Day of Resurrection) those who believe will laugh at the disbelievers

    35. On (high) thrones, looking (at all things).

    36. Are not the disbelievers paid (fully) for what they used to do?

    After that I used to whisper these ayyahs  to myself,,,whenever questions came up as to why I wore the hijab, why I had no boyfriend,,,why I refused to go to school dances...and when kids used to b rude. But I would also give them back double of whatever they said to me:-)

    May Allaah protect you and guard you always.

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