
How should people act? How DO people act?

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Ok so normal people SOMETIMES act differently around other people. What things should we not be afraid to show? & which things should people hide?




  1. We should not be afraid to show we are normal and have normal weaknesses.  We should hide the things molded in us that we know are wrong such as prejudice.  

  2. People should never hide as long as you show someone respect. You don't have to put all of your business out there if you do not trust them.

  3. The most important thing to remember is to always be yourself however, you don't want to talk too much, drink too much or reveal too much about yourself.  You want to allow others to speak and share while you listen.  I'm not sure what you mean by 'normal' people acting differently- that doesn't make sense to me.  You should never be afraid to show you care about others - but careful about exposing too much about yourself before you get to know people.  

  4. People shouldn't hide anything. If everyone showed there imperfections, people would be less self-conscious and the world would be a better place. Everyone is human, and a lot of times people don't realize that because other people hide things from each other.

  5. I'm sorry, this question is way too vague. I could give you an answer that answers the question you asked but it would either be very very very very long or just be a bunch of stuff you already know. If there is a specific situation you are wondering about, ask another question about that, but this question is like a 30-page essay question.

  6. If you had a mental illness that was under control or were on medication for a condition that wasnt obvious, I wouldnt go round telling everyone that. Or you might have had a s*x change or changed your name to avoid being found by someone who harrassed you. Things like that I would keep to myself.

    Or maybe you had a family member that was in the Mafia or in jail or something or had AIDS. I wouldnt tell lots of people that. Most things are not peoples business anyway.

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