
How should politicians work on conserving energy and food?

by  |  earlier

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i know taxing carbon is one way, but what im asking for are many ways in which politicians can save the resources NOW for the future that we overuse and ways that politicians can stop world hunger.

the more, the better.




  1. Good question... stop smoking.

  2. Politicians should not be in charge of anything major,look at the waste in trying to get elected.That's enough to feed a country for over a month,what makes you think they can do anything? Conservation begins with the individual a lifestyle that you are comfortable with that is not wasteful in all aspects of it.Most will find that hard to do in their already stressful lives.The most wasteful beings on the planet are politicians with your tax dollar.Please do not think of more ways they can waste because every well can run dry at some time.

  3. Politicians never work.  On the other hand, it's probably a good thing that they don't, they already cause enough problems doing what they do.

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