
How should she tell her parents, and other stuff?

by Guest66017  |  earlier

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Okay, one of my really good friends went on vacation with her family and some family friends. one night she drank toj much and was drunk (her family kinda lets her) and that night onee of the friends she was with snuck into her room (hes 16 shes 13) and they had s*x. she says she remembers knowing what she was about to do then kind of passing out. anyway its been a month, and her lower stomach has formed a little bump, but she has only gained 1 pound. plus she is alert to smells, and she has just started being like that. (like earlier we were peeling potatoes and she felt pukey) also she has morning sickness a lot, about 2-5 times a week. she has only told, one adult and thats our churches accounting person, because we talk to her about everything and she gives good advice,and a couple of her really close friends, and the guy that she did it with, and his brother. (she and the guy that got her pregnant brother are dating and he wants to say its his kid, and he told her he wants it) anyway she took a pregnancy test and it came up negative. (her moms first pregnancy test has came up neegative then the second time she did it has been positive everytime shes had a kid, and her mom has had three kids) so she is almost positive she is pregnant so how should she tell her parents and how can i be a good friend?




  1. 13? what a f*cking sl*t!

    parents need a good kicking aswell

  2. lmfao. i actually feel bad for the dude who was forced to sleep with a 13 YEAR OLD !!! wtf. a drunk/s**t/and most likely hannah montana fan...with a body of a 13 yr old omg !!

  3. Parents who let a 13 year old get drunk ought to be the real problem. They should be told up front, and possibly blamed for the event that transpired that night. And you said that she drank too much, as if it was a normal thing. The parents are at fault here, as well as the girl and her boyfriend's brother.

  4. If she is only a month pregnant she wouldnt look pregnant, byt assuming she is pregnant (id advise you to tell her to make sure she is before telling her parents) she could sit them down and tell them she has missed her period and thinks she might be pregnant.

  5. go to the doctor, there tests are much more accurate.  

  6. This is the best way to do it.

    When she starts getting a belly, tell her to paint a smiley face on it.

    Then get a cake and put a smiley face on it.

    Then say "SURPRISE!" to her parents and show them the belly and the cake.

    Then be like "Hey dad, I'm pregnant"

    He will be so happy!

  7. This is like the Secret life of an American teenager!! Cool!

  8. She is pregnant then. what you could do to be a good friend is to stick w/her. if she's moody comfort her and don't get upset w/her. She should pick a time when her parents are relaxed and ask to see them both alone. then spill the news promising them to not yell first. hope this helps.

  9. what a s**t. what kind of girl spreads there legs at 13????

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