
How should the british public organise opposition to political abuse?

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When the scottish parliament made expenses public, MSP expenses claims fell by 30% !

Our MPs are trying to hide their expenses behind a 'block' grant for second homes; Europe are discussing restrictions on public information from an assumption of secrecy...

It isn't good enough is it... And because the politicians keep embarassing stories low profile, they don't get fully exposed and addressed.

How should we be organising to take on these corrupt politicians??,000-in-allowances-through-family-firm.html




  1. Deport all the immigrants.

  2. The way taxpayers money is fraudently misappropiated

    is disgusting and not sustainable!

    Corruption today exists at every level - erroding, destroying

    our civilisation i.e. Humanity.

    The time has come for change! All change!

    In a GOOD way...

    Let's start by joining this organisation -

    the more voters that add their voice, the better!

    And / or alternatively, visit this website

    for FREE info.

    re: an alternative / peaceful / practical method

    to stop over-powerful governments

    (cos we need the promised time

    of happy governments to come true)

    so we can become happy & healthy citizens. Yay!

  3. This is a great question, and see how many flock to answer, that's the same as you would get to back any opposition to corrupt government, and governments

    Shame we don't have the fighting spirit of the French, people say "I don't like the French" well I do, they unite as one and stop there Parliament from unfair politics

    Reading your articles the best answers are always anonymous

  4. We should be writing as I do to my MP and making comments in local Newspapers....

  5. Civil Disobedience and downing tools.

  6. Make your views and opinions known!For example!Write or e-mail to them direct!Or write in the local newpaper!Take it from me!These MPs do not like adverse write up's;Especially near to an election!!

  7. I think that expenses should be made public.  The average person in the UK is feeling the pinch of the government and their  persistent money grabbing ways and to hear that politicians are squandering our money is nothing more than political abuse.

    How to deal with it though is hard.  what you really should be asking is how can we rally enough people to force it through Parliament?  remember, we're dealing with a nation that makes a lot of noise over things they don't like but will carry on regardless as long as they have TV to pacify them.

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