
How should the military change

by  |  earlier

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Should the military change like those war gams (halo, and ghost recon) or something else. say anything like armor weapons or tech




  1. Well they can start off by being a little more honest to the recruits because I've heard from my friend's cousin who is a Army recruiter that they sometimes end up twisting some of the information they tell the recruits, or they kinda leave "small" details out if they think it could change the recruits mind.

    One thing the military can do is appreciate their servicemen/women more than they do. I know one guy from my hometown who had all his benefits taken away after the Army discharged him after his two brothers were killed in Iraq. His name is Jason Hubbard.  

  2. War Games like HALO are good games, but if you think they accurately depict the military, then you've got another thing comin'.

    However, for the sake of the question, the Military needs more people. Simple as that.

  3. the military is changing everyday. There are specific departments that are devoloping and testing new body armor, weapons, vehicles, etc...everyday trying to get that perfect "future warrior" that will be safe and yet do a great job on the battle field. In WW2 the avg soldier was only worth like $2,000. Vietnam was around $40,000 and in todays war on global terrorism the average soldier is worth around $250,000 between all the training and gear that the government has invested in them.

  4. LOL    the military will change but nothing like your play games... come back to reality.

  5. If everyone supported and sent their money spent on these silly games to the military. It is the people who are not in the military or who never were that need to change.


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