
How should theology and science relate to each other??

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How should theology and science relate to each other??




  1. Theology should understand that on matters of science, science has the primary position, because it has self correcting mechanisms for gaining new data, and correcting older data, and because it deals in facts and evidence.

    When theology tries to speak on issues of science, if it fails to grasp that the science is better in that area, it will create error and ignorance.

  2. They're almost always unrelated.  

    Science doesn't care about beliefs.  Anyone's beliefs.

    Science is science.

  3. In (I Timothy.6:20,21) it says: “..avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: Which some professing have erred concerning the faith.”

    It is not conducting science that this is against, rather it is when we would place any knowledge above that which is written; this is the offence to God´s Word.

  4. Well, that depends upon your point of view.  Science is a system of knowledge and a set of tools to find knowledge, ground in empirical data.  Although it cannot have perfect certainty, if something has reached the level of theory then it is sufficiently close to certain to be acceptable.  Consider, for example, gravity.  Newton was clearly wrong, yet his model is also very close.  It is sufficiently close to be no different than reality for sub-relativistic speeds or short distances.  For 99.9% of the speeds humans care about, it works to sufficient accuracy to be a good account.  For most distances humans care about, it is more than adequate.  For most time spans it works.  So, Newton's theory is wrong, but it is really close.  If something reaches theory, it does not mean it is correct, but you should trust the conclusions.

    Theology is the study of things revealed by a supernatural power.  If theology is valid, it cannot be contradictory to science.  If Jesus had said the sky was green, that would not make it green. (I know this is just a word definition issue).

    Theology and science are in conflict when a theological claim can be empirically tested and comes out false.  Those happen.  Theology has no way to correct itself because gods cannot be wrong.

  5. If they conflict, then one, or both, must be wrong.  They should be able to complement each other for both to be true.

  6. They compliment each other:

    Science studies the natural order of the universe - that which is observable.

    Theology studies the supernatural order - that which is not observable.

    There is no conflict between faith and science

  7. Real Science backs up the Bible.

    Evolution is the Religion that is mixed in with Science textbooks.

  8. Science is knowledge of what is.

    Theology is knowing everything about nothing.

  9. they exist apart but in terms of creation they should support each other

  10. I agree with "Truthtel'"

  11. Theology is an applied form of psychology that is useful to help some people cope.

  12. Theology and science have no problem relating to each other, even if some radical fundamentalists want to pit science against religion in the name of their small, narrow dogma.

    Science focuses on what is empirical.  Theology focuses on the reality beyond what is empirical.

    The Catholic Church recognizes the value of science in advancing knowledge and understanding of the world.

  13. Theology is basically the study of god(s) from a theistic perspective. Kinda loses objectivity doesn't it? It just assumes god, supernatural, etc. and goes from there. That's just plain bull.

  14. theology is a study of the mystery of the supernaturals, supreme being, or to be more precise, GOD. such mystery is in fact being unfolded in time through what we call created realities.  science on the other hand, is a study of the wonders of these created realities.  it should answer how these created realities benefit humanity to its human flourishing not to its destruction.  every created reality is good hence God created it for the good of humanity. amen.  

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