there is a chance that i will be leasing a horse for the next 5 months or so. he is an 8yo arab gelding. the owner bought him for his 11yo daughter, but he was too much for her. he has been trained and everything, but then he was just put in a paddock and not used. the owner wants to lease him out to someone who can puts some miles on him, so to speak. the way he put it was: i'd be doing him a favour by giving the horse some work, and he'd be doing me a favour by providing me with a horse i could ride everyday. i really, really want to be able to do this, but i need to convince my mum first. and she won't even listen to me until i can tell her all the details (like who's paying for what). so my question is this: who should be paying for what in this situation? the man lives too far away for the horse to stay on his property, so i'd have to agist near me (around $60 a month for a shared paddock). he's never leased a horse before and i've never had a lease horse before, so neither of us