
How should we deal with an overweight child?

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We babysit a girl, who is very overweight. It isn't hard to see why she's overweight - she eats more than all of the other kids, even more than the adults! Her mother was very overweight at all, and had to get surgery. We do not want the daughter to go through the same situation, but she is very emotional, and we are unsure at how to lessen her food consumption.

Should we talk to her mother? We do not aim to offend her, but we have absolutely no idea how she'd react.

Should we simply make less food, so she doesn't have a chance to eat so much? Today she ate two hotdogs, and two whole plates of macaroni and cheese. With everything she put on one hotdog, it was around 325 calories per hotdog. 2/3 cup of the Mac & Cheese was over 400 calories as well.

This is totally unhealthy, and we know it. She is in the 3rd grade, and eats 3 times a day. But how should we go about this situation? Thank you for your help!




  1. !no more" food amigo!=  (((((((

  2. She  should definately stay healthy and get some excercise to balance out her appetite. Try to lessen the food for sure but first off try getting her to eat foods that are healthy(0 cholestrol, fat free) Ex. Ice cream- Real Fruit,Sorbet,Fruit smoothie. Whole wheat bread. Instead of beef and pork, maybe a chicken or fish tortilla. I think you should consult the mother since she is not your child but talk to her, its for the good of the child. Good luck!

    PS: 3 meals a day and a small snack are perfect. a little bit of everything is great make sure to have variety.

    The French are excellent at keeping their weight under control this is how: Eating a variety of healthy foods with each meal (a small serving of salad, crackers, a small serving of soup, even pasta but very little of everything just like apatizers. For drinks, try tea its good hot or cold. Avoid sodas and stick to juices. Her stomach will eventually get used to this diet and adjust.

  3. I don't think there is any thing you can say that won't offend the mother. No matter what you say, you will offend her, not matter how gentle you state the truth.

    You can try to cut her portions, but that may result in a temper tantrum, especially if the mother doesn't keep up with it.

    But you can try the same amount of food but healthier food, salads, (carrots, cucumber, chicken, etc) with her favorite dressing (if she has one) or just anything that is healthier but the same portion. For snacks, try rice cakes, (i believe they have rice cakes with chocolate chips, etc).

    This girl does need help, but honestly, she should be getting it from her mom. So if you want to hellp,  you need to talk to her mom, no matter how it offends her.

  4. I really would not say anything to her mother. Im sure she is aware of the situation. Some people seem to be blind. I would not bring it up but hint around and she is she brings it up-if she does then ask how you can help.

    Yes-I would make only the food portions each child needs. If there happens to be some left overs them immedietly stick it in the fridge with a strict rule that no one gets food out,  I would also cut back on the hot dogs and mac N cheese. Not a terrible meal but not the greatest, and Im sure you don't have this everyday but just used this as the example-you could sneak her the turkey hot dogs and give each child a small serving of mac N cheese and serve lots of veggies to all the kids. Give her lots of water and things to do to keep her busy.

  5. I was having this problem with my daughter, we went to the dr for her check up and he told her she was prediabetic and needed to get healthy. so this is what we are doing,

    1. make only the amount you will need for one serving each.

    2. make all the plates at one time then put any leftovers away and wash the dishes, then serve the family.

    3. use whole grains instead of processed foods.

    4. by low fat foods and 1% milk (changing the way she eats wont be easy but will be worth it.

    5. turn off the TV

    send every one outside to play. collect a bag full of balls, jumprope, chalk for hopscoth, anything to get her active.

    I actually blocked all the channeles on my TV so my kids have to ask before thy watch.

    also encourage water, most kids get their daily calories by noon from sugared drinks

  6. Don't say anything to the mother-- it's not your place. And don't ever make the little girl feel bad about being overweight. She's much too young to be self conscious about her body (not that there's any good age for that).

    If you want to monitor what she eats when you're watching her, you're going to have to treat everyone equally. Don't let the kids go in the kitchen and get their own food. Give them EACH EQUAL amounts of food. Buy healthier foods. Limit snacks. Don't wonder why she's overweight when you're feeding her hotdogs and mac-n-cheese. Just give each kid the exact same amount of food and if they whine about still being hungry, give them a Juicy Juice and tell them to go play.

  7. there isnt really alot you can do, since her parents likely allow her to eat what she wants at home. but you could start by offering healthier choices  during the day then hot dogs and mac and cheese.....for all the kids, not just her.

  8. Impatient One is right: First off, what are you doing feeding this child junk? There would be no way I would feed my kids refined foods. Easy for you, bad for them. You need to control portions and offer better foods.

    Next, I would get rid of the TV and video games and get that poor nature-deprived child outside and active. If she's eating that many calories, she should be burning them too. Rock climbing, ballet, soccer, t-ball, tapdancing, yoga, bug collecting, but anything but anything, but anything but the idiot box.

    As for the parent, abusive parenting such as that is not going to change because a babysitter talks to the obese mother. The mother abuses food. Just imagine if the mother cursed like a sailor. . .the child would too. Unfortunately, all you can do is offer better food, smaller portions, kill the TV and give them fun activities to do. You'll notice your health improve too.  Good luck.

  9. that child def. has a problem.

    maybe you should try feeding the child lots of small meals thru out the day.

    i think that would help.

    if not i would DEFIANTLY talk to the parent.

    it could change the childs life.

  10. If she is at your home for all those hours, I would omit all the fattening foods from your menu.  Substitute veggies and low calorie dip, and fruit for dessert or snack.  Also, get her outside, playing and getting exercise.  The weather is nice, and if you all could get outside, everyone in your family, including her, would be healthier for your effort.

    I would have a little chat with her mother, emphasizing your concerns for her health and self-esteem.

  11. It isn't about LESS food, it is about the right food.  Hot Dogs and mac n' cheese aren't the healthiest options, you have shown that yourself.  Try healthier foods more often ( try 5 small meals a day instead of 3) with veggie or fruits to snack on.  


    You can't expect her to eat healthier while the people around her are eating junk, you will all have to adjust, otherwise you will just make her feel bad.

  12. i would lessen what she gets... also offer her healthier things to eat. also inform her mother how you will do it and explain that is what your family will eat... and what you eat is what will be offered to her daughter. she could very well take it wrong but also she needs to look at the reality of the situation and know that she is putting her daughter in the same situation she was in.

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