
How should we express ourselves?

by  |  earlier

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Do you think there is any need for abbreviations of swearing on here?

FFS, etc. Do you think it is necessary to use such language on an answer or question?

Plus all the other ones, PMSL etc.

Every time I see them I feel they are wrong & not a good way of communicating.

[I have had to use them in my Q to state my point.]




  1. Maybe some people like to use them, I don't use many, as PMSL I don't like due to the connotation, but LOL I use frequently, I wouldn't presume to tell others what they should do.

    Everyone is different, as in real life some people swear alot, others not at all.

  2. I swear as you put it and in some cases you'd be pressed to find a better expletive. Personaly I see no harm and none meant I assure you.

  3. Freya sometimes we cannot completely change the world around us to suit a particular taste or attitude and we have to ride with it in all it's glory and faults. Since the advent of txt talk where abbreviations were made and formed and ingrained due to the limits of texting new words and expressions have been made. The cat is now out the bag and you will never be able to turn the clock back but with that in mind I would rather people said expressions like FFS than spelt it out. No?

    P.S. Why did you delete your answers to some of my questions recently? You do know that I was going to award you 2 BA??

  4. I was gonna be naughty, but changed my mind.

  5. We all like to express ourselves in different ways and as long as the motive isn't based on malice, so be it.  

  6. in the medium of dance

  7. expletive deleted .

  8. In whatever form you feel comfortable with IMO.

  9. with love and emotion :)

  10. i don't mind if people abbreviate i usually understand the terminology and if i don't i just ask anyway  

  11. Any form of Art acting,painting dance,  

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