
How should we handle iran? are they being set up for war?

by Guest65026  |  earlier

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or just to look bad?




  1. We are bidding our time on Iran. Some believe that the Iranian ppl will alter what's happening there.

    They are rather westernized know which side of the dollar they want to be on,,much like the rest of the oil rich arab world.

    In so as the nucs.......

    South Africa came up with one when nobody was loking, as did India and Pakistan.

      With the time they've had they got most of it.

    They've phased thier research and development and kept it all rather seperate and no doubt have all the componets to assemble a final unit with a launcher. We didn't need 6000 centrifuges to make our 1st two crude bombs.

      A 747 could easily be used to deliver almost anywhere with a regular flght plan.

    Our mission now is to throw enough flies in their ointment to slow them down.

  2. The first part of your question is relative to your agenda.  

    If your agenda is to continue to grease the wheels of the war machine in the hopes of retaining current contracts, gaining future contracts (the Military-Industrial Complex), to secure additional loans from nations like the United States of America (the international financiers (don't forget this the US is flat broke, every dime collected by the IRS is used to pay the interest on the national debt to the very same international financiers)), to ensure that Iran does not deviate from trading oil in the US dollar, to create a crisis that would cause oil prices to skyrocket so that certain entities may profit handsomely, or to remove a regional threat for the nation of Israel, then the way to deal with Iran is either to bait them into a situation where they would engage US/coalition forces, or to fabricate a false flag attack upon US/coalition forces in order to justify an attack upon Iran.

    If your goal is peace and prosperity, then diplomacy is the short answer.

    Is Iran being set up?  There certainly are those who have been trying to do just that.  Please reference the following clip that was viral in the alternative media.  Keith Olbermann of MSNBC is the only person who reported upon this serious story.  Props to Keith for that.  

  3. I think the facts are being exaggerated, twisted and spinned for propaganda.

  4. Iran now tested a sophisticated satelite launch vehicle within days of Israel signing a deal with the U.S. on radars that can spot the launch of iranian missiles in advance.  it is learnt  that during a military exercise, the shahab 3 missile, which is capable of targeting israel.  Known as X band radars, they would be linked to a U.S. satelite-based alert network.  The show of technological power play between the two countries comes amid growing tensions over iran's nuclear programme.  Every country has got its right to protect its nation under any cost. A country which comes in technological, nuclear developments are inevitable but surely under the rules framed.  The united nations will handle this issue at an appropriate time.  No war will come in the near future says some experts. i think this will be solved across the table.  

  5. Send Jimmy Carter and Jesse Jackson. Don't let them back in here until they resolve the problems.

  6. Iran should be under blockade. Nothing in or out. Including oil.

  7. Secretly, they are probably setting up their armies and defenses, for an aerial assault with 'cookie cutters'. They are a nervous group, but they know the US is stretched pretty thin right now.

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