
How should we stop terrorism from all across America?

by  |  earlier

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should we make laws that terrorism well be done so peolpe don't die. can we wair protective suit that it can hold up a sniper bullet, or can we have really tough window that when your shout a window it never breaks. then if that doen't work we can have thick metal doors, with the protective windows with it.




  1. Terrorism is a tactic that is very hard to stop completely, since it really doesn't take much organization or resources to carry out.  A sympathizer with a radical cause can just up and decide to drive his car through a crowded sidewalk one day, for instance.  

    Detering the tactic could be more effective, but it'd require some morally and ethically challenging strategies on our part...

  2. One easy way to deter terrorism? Pull out of Iraq and stop imposing our ideals upon other peoples. We're pissing them off.

  3. Terrorists don't care about laws.  Many don't even care enough about their own lives to keep them from sacrificing themselves for their cause.  We can't wear body armor 24 hours a day or hide in our houses all the time.  If we do that, the terrorists have won.  

    We need a strategy that's more targeted at terrorists.  Conventional warfare won't do it, because the terrorists aren't loyal to any one country.  It should be more like the approach police use when tracking down a crime ring.  It's probably a job for Special Operations, not conventional troops.  Bush's war on Iraq isn't the answer; it's more of a diversion to try to keep us from noticing that he hasn't made a convincing effort to go after al-Qaida.

  4. Our media and govt. tell us terrorism is a threat and don't secure our borders. Also we should look at reality, you are more likely to die of cancer, from prescription drugs, auto accidents, food allergies etc than die from a terrorist attack, secure the border NOW!

  5. Terrorism has been going on for thousands and thousands of years and will never stop. Seriously, have you heard much about terrorism before 9/11. Bush and his goon squad are just putting fear into the public so what they are doing overseas is justified.

  6. follow up on expired visa's - get rid of known terrorists - close our borders - deport illegal immigrants.

    and start rebuilding our totally damaged image.

    last but not least turn over the entire executive branch of government to a world court to appease the damage we have done.

    our actions under bush have greatly threatened both our long and short term security and image.

  7. just stop fearing it..

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