
How should you feel 10 days after giving birth?

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Its been 10 days and today and yesterday i have been feelings achy. You know like someone beat you up. My joints and body hurts. Also i have a headache. Yesterday i passed a blood clot the size of a golfball. Only one time though, today and last night i wasn't bleeding very much. Should i be concered? I do not have a temp. Thanks




  1. I still felt tired and sore. Especially "down south" I stoppped bleeding around two weeks after.

  2. I just gave birth a week ago. I went to the dr freaking out because I had a pretty good sized blood clot. He told me as long as it wasn't the size of a fist that I shouldn't worry. I have had a headache and backache pretty much since I gave birth. I wouldn't worry unless you develop a temp. Also, after I had a blood clot I found out I had a kidney infection, the Dr told me that if your not going to the bathroom enough after you give birth it could cause you to have an infection and feel like c**p. Might be something to keep in mind.

  3. i would check with your doc.  you may be developing an infection even though you don't have a temp yet.  could be mastitis or endometritis.  

    also a clot that size isn't normal for 9 days postpartum.  

  4. very normal... you just had a baby... we might not realize it but that is a big deal for our bodies.... just take it easy... try to rest as much as you possibly can..

    good luck

  5. I didn't feel normal again till 2 months after I gave birth.

  6. If something weird happens to you, please call your doctor or advice nurse. By the time you get responses for something like this, you could be passed out or something. Yes, you may feel pretty worked over at 10 days. You could feel 1005 fine. It depends on a lot of things, including how much help you're getting around the house/with baby. I would definitely go and be seen at the dr if you're feeling worse instead of better.

  7. you should probably feel like you just gave birth...

    take it easy for the next few weeks. if you can get some extra help doing things around the house that would be great. other wise dont worry about some of the stupid house chores that "need" to be done. let your body heal

  8. You just had a baby, of course you feel like c**p! There is a reason the doctors tell you to take it easy for 6 weeks and then may even tell you longer after your check-up. Take it easy!!!

  9. tired, sore, sooo happy one minute and then feel like crying the next. soo overwhelmed! well i was anyway!

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