
How shut down is the city of Paris on Sunday's?

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I was reading in one of my travel books that blue laws are still in place. However, I can't imagine it's a complete shutdown like it is in some rural US towns.

Those with experience please share! Thanks.




  1. Some places are closed on Sunday, but the tourists spots are still open. The Le Tour Eiffel, Arc De Triumph, Louvre, are all open. In August be prepared for many places to be shut down as it is a big holiday (vacation) month.

  2. Paris NEVER shuts. Its the most vibrant city you can imagine. Most of the museums close on monday or tuesday but all are open on sundays. Cafes, bars, restaurants... all are open and full too. I was there in June and the atmosphere at the weekend was buzzing. It is unique. You will love it!!!!! Try to find the less touristy areas too specially for eating. The food is much better, the prices are lower and you will truly see the real paris then.

  3. not much

  4. Alot of places shut down, but some bars, even supermarkets are opened for awhile. But I advise you that if you are to travel to Paris, shop on Friday or any other day except Saturday. Everyone rushes to the supermarkets on Saturdays to do last minute shopping so its always crammed and stuff. Also to note, if youll be there on July 14th, which is Paris' Bastille Day, Im pretty sure every store will be closed and everyone will be watching fireworks and listening to symphonies around Trocadero where they will light at the top of the Eiffel Tower.

  5. Paris on Sunday is not so shut down at all.  Museums close of Mondays.  July and Aug. are vacation months for the French and especially Paris and a lot of shops and restaurants close for some part of that period.  The French get 7 weeks of vacation per year by national decree.

    A good day trip from Paris, and open all year,  is a a visit to Vaux le Vicomte, the finest chateau in France, easy to get to by train from Gare Sud forty miles south of Paris, outside the town of Melun, and there is a bus to the chateau from the station.


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