
How sick will my dog get?

by  |  earlier

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Earlier today I was grabbing one of those bite-size brownies, and one fell on the floor. I tried to move my dog away as fast as I could, but he loves food so much he practically swallowed it whole. I'm really worried that he's going to be sick for a while. Is there anything we can do for him?




  1. Chocolate is very poisonous to dogs. It can kill them if they eat a lot. If you have a small dog it is more dangerous. You should definitely call your vet.

  2. Your dog would have to eat three dozen brownies before he would become ill.  He is fine.

  3. More than likely, he'll be just fine and you won't even notice.  Although chocolate is really bad for dogs, some can digest a little with no problems.  My ex-mother-in-law used to let her beagle have a few m&m's every now and then, and it never hurt the dog.

  4. A bite-size brownie isn't big enough to even give your dog the runs - don't worry about it, he'll be just fine.

  5. One bite-sized brownie probably won't hurt him.  Just watch him closely.  If you suspect something's wrong, take him to the vet.  But he should be fine.

  6. He should be fine...just keep an eye on him.  He COULD get the runs (my dog did when he had just one bite of green chili chicken soup that fell on the floor)...but that's only temporary and will go away in a couple of days.  If your dog shows any irregular behavior, then I'd see a vet...but I wouldn't lose any sleep over him eating a bite sized brownie.

  7. Normally the chocolate that is most toxic is dark chocolate since its more pure. The amount of chocolate in the bite size brownies(I'm guessing those that come in the snack bags) is not really that harmful. You're dog will be fine, just don't let it happen often.  

  8. As everyone else has said, he will most likely be fine. However, you shouldn't leave him alone for extended periods of time for the next day or so, in order to keep an eye on him and make sure he's really okay. If you notice anything abnormal about his behavior at all (difficulty breathing, lethargy, vomiting, etc.), take him to the vet IMMEDIATELY. I hope everything works out for you.

  9. It's really hard to tell.  Chocolate contains theobromine that is toxic to dogs in sufficient quantities.  Other factors to consider would be size, weight, amount digested, and dogs sensitivity to it. (it varies dog to dog)  Good news it that it normally takes quite a bit of chocolate to become toxic.

    Either way you should contact a vet immediately.  You should also induce vomiting.  Administering activated charcoal may inhibit absorption of the toxin as well.

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