
How significant is Britain on the international stage?

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How significant is Britain on the international stage?




  1. I would say they are one of the key players.

  2. They set the whole thing off...

  3. Britain is a friend , to the United States., and is linked to many other nations who would  not  talk to us if it weren't for Britian,  The United States and Britian will always be allies They might like what we do all the time, but, the respect the many times we have come to thier aid and they have helped us.

                  Right now if another war broke out and it will, Our military forces will be streched beyond it's limt.  Chinia and Russia are holding join Military training excerises, China is linked to north Keroa, iran , syria, lebonan  hamas have made treaties with one another, Pakistan is alined with who ever will  give them the best deal . Inda and Pakistan are Nuclear powers and threaten each other on  a regular bases.

               Japan is allied with us because they know that china and Russia could crush them without a thought  thier technology and thier way of life would disapper for every . China has done every thing it can from buy up our banks and land in this country to undermine our way of life, The trade defict to china is growing by leaps and bounds and we have yet, to find a way to stem the flow.  China is building underground sub bases and is building its military four times faster than we are.   I am sorry , for being so long  on this.

                    The evidence is all around us. We are asleep with our heads buried in the sand.   My fear is that we will wake up when it is to late.  Fear , will envolpe us.  When they have bombed our cities,  using gangs who are already in our cities as well as sleeper cells. How, stupid we are to think it will never happen here,  people around the world are watching ,waiting , and hoping we just die.  I pray it never happens.   My greatest fear is that it will.

  4. Very. the are allies with the us. like brothers.

  5. Britain is one of the foremost leaders of responsible nations

  6. Still a Major player along with the US and other permanent NATO members

  7. Not as significant as the British think .

    They believe that London is the center of the earth

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