
How similar are "Locusts" to "Cicadas"???

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and which regions of the world do you find these?

how are they similar or different to each other?

Thanks for your answers!




  1. Living on Cape Cod, we just had our 17 yr visit by the cicadas, check this out.

  2. This is a cicada/****** They just eat the tree leaves

    This is a locust/*****They eat everything in sight.

    Habitat..warm, semi-arid regions of the world

    The locust looks more like a grasshopper

    ...............Locust vs Cicada

    Question -   What is the difference between Locusts and Cicadas?


    Common name confusion once again illustrating the usefulness of scientific nomenclature!


    are in the order Homoptera, most closely related to plant lice and leafhoppers.

    Cicadas lay eggs in slits in twigs; annual species hatch and mature on their host trees

    and sing loudly during hot summer days. Periodical cicadas drop to the ground after

    hatching and spend anywhere from a few to 17 years as nymphs feeding on tree roots

    underground before maturing to adults.

    ..................."Locust" ................

    is a general, colloquial term that

    usually refers to migratory grasshoppers of the order Orthoptera, but is sometimes applied

    to other insects of the order, including crickets and katydids.

    Confusion abounds about the two insects

    Seventeen-year cicada or periodical locust as you can see on National

    Geographic they are one in the same.

    There are some*** 3,000 cicada species,*** but (only some share) this behavior (the 17-year cicada is an example). Others are called annuals because, although individuals have multi-year lifecycles, some adults appear every year. The dog day cicada, for example, emerges each year in mid-summer.

    Open this link below

    Locust National Geographic

    The desert locust is notorious. Found in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, they inhabit some 60 countries and can cover one-fifth of Earth's land surface. Desert locust plagues may threaten the economic livelihood of one-tenth of the world's humans.

    By the way this was naot a simple question it is actually a very involved one about the actual differences

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