
How smart are Americans in electing presidents?

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Have the republicans forgoten to tell American what they have accomplished in the last 8 yrs?

And have the Americans forgoten who is in power for the past 8 yrs?

How come McCain, who was never fit to be president, vice or defenses Secretary, or to be elected in 2000 all of a sudden become the best of GOP?




  1. not very smart since we don't elect presidents, the electoral college does. So I doesn't matter how I vote in texas, the state will be republican no matter what.

  2. You're afraid! You only want Obama because you feel he can be manipulated.

  3. This is what happens when you have democracy. If we're stupid enough to vote for idiots we deserve what we get. We shot ourselves in the foot. hey it's better than monarchy...

  4. Not very smart, if Obama is elected.

  5. OK now ask yourself what did clinton do except get head in the oval office.   The republicans have done more for this country ' Regan in particular' than and liberal *** that ever was in power.  Now here is my I want FACTS not fiction any response that deals with the truth is welcome. trust me i will answer  .......... GOD BLESS THE USA

  6. Well, their recent record doesn't appear to be too good.

  7. You're right, Americans aren't very smart when it comes to elections.

    Most of them are all talk and don't even show up to the voting booths because they are either too lazy, illiterate or uneducated to even care. Most YOUNG Americans in particular parrot whatever their professors or school teachers say, or their parents, or what other people at school and around them say but don't actually listen and decide for themselves.

    For some reason Americans also seem to minimize the fact that McCain was a POW. I don't think many people realize the severity of that and could never even begin to understand it. There is no comparison between the levels of experience in both parties. I am a registered Independent because I'm relatively moderate in most views and quite honestly I'm very unimpressed with Obama and McCain. But I think having Palin a heartbeat away from the presidency (especially with McCain being how old, 72?) is deal sealer for me. If you listen to what was said, she was excellent and I have never been more excited. It's my first time voting and now I'm actually looking forward to it.

    Oh yeah, and forgotten has 2 t's there smarty pants.

  8. Andrew Jackson was a G********d general with absolutely no political credentials, but he was a recent, remember, recent war hero at the time.


    He was president.

    Can't remember anything good coming otu of that.

    And there was the

    I Demand a REcount!


    which means nobody really elected Dubya the first time anyway.

  9. You're kidding right?  Collectively our skills are assinine (not misspelled).  And not all of us Republicans are retards who need Hannity and Limbaugh college drop outs to convince us BUSh did a good job.

    I might have to go independent or libertarian after this speech.  Now,

    I don't care who wins.  If these clowns paying millions of "dollars" (no pun intended) for the last ticket on the Titanic let them.  We're dividin the country at a time we can ill afford to do so.

    They better stop with the partisan politics and mudslinging and address the real issues like debasing our currency, renewable energy, social security, and healthcare before we're a third world country.  We're like the worlds crackhead.  A regular Chris Rock from New Jack City suckin the world's ----.  Selling off everything from the Chrysler building in New York to Anheuser Bush in St Louie to foreigners to feed our consuption addiction.  What next, hocking the white house?  Sellin' the cow to buy milk?  It's sad that both republican and democratic troops can fight side by side in Iraq but these idiots can't get anything done in Congress but bail outs.

    Ron Paul 08 or nonoftheabove

  10. McCain opposed Bush in 2000 dude. He actually warned the country. He also fought to reform the campaign financing and lobbying laws so that another Bush like creature would not get elected again.

    They may smile at each other on TV, but McCain has always despised GW Bush.

    Remember, McCain started "Straight Talk" after Bush ripped him out of the 200 nomination.

    So stop hating JSM. He's not who you really hate.

  11. American voters are easily swayed by gimmicky sound bites and mud slung about supposed defects in candidates.  That's how we got the "compassionate conservative" president, Bush. If the electorate is dumb enough to vote in another republican, heaven help the U.S.A.  

  12. Americans voted for Bush as President twice.

  13. Considering BUSH...

    Very stupid.

  14. We voted in Hoover, Carter, Harding, Coolidge, etc.  

    Often the selection process doesn't put up the best candidates, only the most electable.  I'm fairly sure most people who voted for the worst presidents were still saying, "I'm still glad I didn't vote for the other guy."

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