
How smart are enviromentalist ??

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A 5 year old kid could tell me a car smokes !!! A7 year old could tell me the ice cap is smaller!! If it really is ??? So why can't they come up with a solution ?? If they are so smart what is their answer to these very simple ?'s Don't dance around this subject or get insulted just answers??? Don't even blame the system you all went to college or just look thru the eyes of nothing getting done!!




  1. The solution is to decrease greenhouse gas emissions.  To do that we need to become more energy efficient, switch to renewable energy, alternative fuel vehicles, etc.

    It's not a matter of having to find the solution, it's a matter of having the will to make these changes.  We know what we have to do - we just have to make the effort to do it.

  2. Some problems have no solutions contrary to what most think. Scientists say that they have found the cause behind global warming, but isn’t it convenient that man is the cause.

    I have much skepticism about this, because if they all agreed that global warming is caused by natural occurring events, then their would be no solutions, no carbon taxes, no curtailing of drilling, or anything for that matter. Life could go on unobstructed and many jobs would be forfeit. Global warming sciences would be obsolete, global journalism would be cancelled, and Al Gore would be out of a job.

    I say that they are smart enough to keep their mouths shut about their scam. BUT, when they look back in retrospect at all the misery they will have caused, I hope they come to term with their maker.

  3. What gets me is the avation industry burns 180 million tons of fuel yearly (approx 45 billion gallons). Jet engines are very inefficent, and airplanes pollute right where it counts most (in our skies). Airports are where the dirtiest air in the city is in all the cities I've ever been in. So why in the h**l are they all over me about the kind of car I drive when they could be working on something real that could help?

  4. Even the smartest people on earth cannot come with a solution in a second, just like that! Even if people do have new ideas it will definitely take time to process it, right? Its the common people like us, who can help by doing little things like car pool or other forms of share transport, or walk to work if its within 2 km. Towel-drying our hair instead of using hair-dryers and turning off the lights in a room not currently being used can save a lot of energy.We should stop cutting down trees or rather plant new ones in their place.

    No offence, but its really unfair on your part to get frustrated over the environmetalists when so much is in your hands.

  5. The solution is not with environmental scientists, but lies with each and every one of us at the individual and community level. Reduce, reuse, recycle, consume less, walk more, use public transit, ditch the big pick-up truck or SUV, etc., and demand your government to make changes in environmental legislation along the principle of polluter-payer.

  6. How many solutions do you want exactly? They're out there.

    To be honest, a 7 year old could do a twenty second google search and find about 100 various solutions to environmental issues.

    Someone with your caliber of intellect can certainly take a trip to your local library and pick up a few books on the issue.

    If you are frustrated that "nothing is getting done", welcome to the club. But environmentalists cannot force people to change. It is up to the individual to learn about what they need to do and then do it.

    Do you know what kind of backlash there would be if there were roving military patrols making sure people recycle, or don't accelerate to a red light?

    Is that what you want, a sustainable police state?

  7. They are indoctronated, not educated.

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