
How smart is my one year old?

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My daughter just turned one, and she seems to be retaining so much information lately. She knows where Eyes, Nose , and Mouth are, she takes keys and puts them up to the dooknobs, trys putting on her shoes, brushes her hair, when were ready to go out i put her down outside and she walks right to the car door where her carseat is. She also tries doind "this little piggie" to her own feet! I'm really just wondering (not bragging) if these things are a little advanced for a 12 month old, or just regular stuff.




  1. she sounds adorable and super smart- lucky mama!

  2. She's perfectly normal - most 12 month olds do that sort of thing. In any case, baby milestones don't have the slightest relevance to how smart someone is. None at all. Einstein didn't talk until he was 3.

  3. well each child learn from their enviorment and I don't think your bragging you are just a new mother wondering, but as for your question she is very observant and you should be happy to know she is learning at this level keep up the good work and only show her educational and positive things. as we know if she is picking up on things thay should always be positive.

  4. Hate to tell you, but she's average.  My 14 month old has been doing all of that, plus she sings her ABCs, tries to wash the dishes, pushes the baby swing with her baby cousin in it, talks very well for her age, and when she hears someone being corrected she runs up to them and says "Stop it, not nice" (even if it's an adult).  So you kid is normal.

  5. Sounds normal to me!

    My son is not quite 1 1/2 (he's 17 months) but he can do all that stuff and has been for awhile, as well as starting to say 2-3 word sentences or phrases in among the babble he still does.  I know that my son's doctor assessed him for certain things because he was doing several things ahead of schedule and he's been tagged as being possibly gifted. They won't really know until he gets closer to school age where we'll really see if he's just very bright or truly advanced for his age.  It's kind of hard to tell when they are toddlers because they change so much from day to day with what they do.  All kids are different.

    If you think that it may be a case where she is a little more advanced for her age, mention it to the doctor at your next appointment and see if there is a way to assess a toddler that young as well as to see what your doctor says.

  6. She is brilliant.  I wouldn't say that these things are "advanced" but your daughter is definately a smart cookie!  Good job Momma!

  7. She seems to be right on track of where she should be for a 1 year old. Kids at that age are a giant sponge ready to soak things up. You seem to be working with her and teaching her at an appropriate rate. Good Job..

  8. It isn't overly advanced but she is obviously very observant and likes to do things herself.  You have a bright child no doubt about it.

  9. well, i have 3 kids- and i would say thats pretty good! also, she's a girl, they can be a little more "with it" than our boys. my 3rd is a 12 month old, and while ive noticed she has done things earlier than her brother, she does get less attention because she's the youngest. so , i know she's not doing all  the things you mentioned

    if she's your only child- that makes a difference too. i guess im saying this : she's a girl, your only, AND shes smart- a great combination!

  10. Honestly - - just regular stuff.  Kids do soak it all up & I know all my kids could do this at about this age.  Every child develops differently but I would say this is about average.  

  11. All babies are a huge sponge just soaking up information.  They are all like this aren't they?  I was reading from a newspaper when I was 2!

  12. its normal babies  are always learning everything they do is like a lesson my daughter is also one and doing alot of stuff like that

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