he ranted about the roosters on his previous profile, before it was deleted by yahoo, which he claims i hacked him and changed his password!
now he creates several profiles asks questions and answers them with his jamesaguillerabigerandbetter profile! and in the process makes out that i have some other profile!
also 1 of his questions........ http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Ag.OLWs8DzpJT2fPAPCOv9bty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080623234713AAvXpD1
read this and then my answer,
now he is currently posting questions insinuating that the NSW wingers let us down, when his beloved anasta and pierce actually did the dumb thing and kept kicking to falau and inglis time and time again, i swear these clowns must be retarded or somthing! people usually learn from there mistakes, not keep doing the same thing!