
How someone can learn english?

by Guest11097  |  earlier

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I want to enter the college and the TOFEL is so difuclut

I need help




  1. on itunes there are english learning podcast, you can put them on your ipod and learn! ;]

    Im trying to learn spanish

  2. yoo sound lyk yoo can speak it

  3. you can start by editing your question:

    "How can someone learn english?"

  4. They say that you don't learn the language, you live the language.

    Apparently, by trying to speak English all the time, you'll have it mastered in 24 months.

  5. One good program to learn languages is Rosetta Stone.


  7. the best way is to be surrounded by people who ll correct ur english..wen u talk..also keep reading a lot and do watch english movies and song.... all de best  

  8. Then either get some books or ask a friend. You could go onto and search for what ever language you speak into english.

  9. Get a PC software designed for learning english!

  10. watch alot of tv in english find someone who will correct your mistakes and listen to you talk to help you get converstations skills and maybe buy a learn english program online or something...or an english tutor... go on and type in learn english online and you can find some websites that can help you with spelling and grammar...

    rosetta stone can help alot with vocabulary but not with converstation skills or grammar but it is a great program

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