
How soon after a miscarraige did you concieve again?

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I am at the tail end of a miscarriage. They just did another blood test yesterday and my numbers are still going down, not all the way there yet, but enough to make the doctor happy I guess.

I was just wondering how long it took you to concieve again? The doctor said that after a full cycle we can try again.




  1. I was told not to try for the next 3 months following a miscarriage because the body needs time to heal. I conceived 6 months after mine.

  2. My miscarriage happened in the beginning of May 2004. I had a normal cycle in June & then got pregnant in July and had my 1st son in April of 2005. Then had our second son in Feb of 2007, and had our surprise baby boy this past March!  

  3. I had a miscarriage in November of 07. After I got over the depression and such, it was around January that we started trying again... And we're still trying. =:)

  4. Hey!

    First of all, so sorry about your miscarriage!  I know how much it hurts.

    I had a miscarriage in April this year.  The miscarriage itself wasn't really obvious, although I did have a complete miscarriage (no D&C), and the doctor didn't confirm the miscarriage until 2 weeks after it happened.   It turns out that within those two weeks of not knowing I miscarried, I became pregnant again.  I am now 19 weeks pregnant and the baby is healthy and (hopefully) happy.

    My doctor explained to me that it's ideal to wait at least one cycle so that they can accurately date your pregnancy from your last menstrual period (I had to have an ultrasound to date mine), and also so that you can heal emotionally/physically.  She was not concerned at all that we got pregnant right away, and in fact was very happy for us.

    So, you can pregnant right away after a miscarriage, but it is recommended to wait at least one month.  (Apparently it is easier to get pregnant again soon after a miscarriage, so hopefully it will happen for you again soon!)

    ****BABY DUST****

    and take care!

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