
How soon after conceiveing will a blood test show positive?

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How soon after conceiveing will a blood test show positive?

I also wanted to know how many days after your period you ovulate? can you please give me a range from the earliest to the latest????




  1. It usually takes 24 hrs after conception to show up in your blood stream.

    Blood tests are more accurate than a pee test.

    Well it just shows up quicker.  

  2. A blood test is more accurate than a home urine test for sure - this will still need to happen after the egg has implanted itself into your uterus - roughly 6-12 dpo.

    As for ovulation, it can range and be varied by a number of factors including stress and lifestyle, diet changes. Usually it takes place around 14 days from the END of your cycle [before your next period starts up again. For a 30 day cycle, this would be day 16 etc. You usually notice the change in Cervical Mucus [Egg white at ovulation] - this will give you a good indication as its really quite variable from woman to woman and cycle to cycle.

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