
How soon after having your wisdom teeth removed can you eat something soft, like applesauce?

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Several people are talking about cleaning out the socket with a syringe?? I don't have a syringe... is there anything else I can use?




  1. You should be able to actually eat when you feel up to it. I was able to eat a few hours after mine, but the other person is right, clean the sockets well.

    And of course, don't use straws!

  2. You won't want to eat anything much right after they come out anyway because you will be drugged and a bit sore. The next day you will. As for cleaning out the socket.....who told you that? I had mine pulled and by a facial surgeon because my mouth was too small for a regular dentist to get in there. The sides of my lips were cut. I just had a gauze pad in there that night that I had to keep changing and was told to rinse my mouth with salt water every few hours for the next few days and to leave the socket alone.  It could get infected if you start poking around in there.  Did you do anything to the socket when you lost your teeth when you were little?  You don't need to now either.  Just rinse out your mouth and follow your dentist's instructions. I hope it doesn't hurt too much!

  3. yea usually after 24 hours. or after you wake up from all the meds you get. but its going to be really painful for at least a week. it just depends on your pain tolerance level.

  4. I believe 24 hrs, but then you have to use a syringe to clean out the socket.

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