
How soon after implantation bleeding can you test? a few questions!?

by  |  earlier

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how soon is too soon to test after you've had implantation bleeding?

also, how long does the bleeding/spotting last? i read that it could be from 1-3 days.

do different pregnancy tests work better early?

how soon do you know if you had a chemical pregnancy? (i'm worried about it because of the spotting i had last week).




  1. Wow, that's a lot of questions.  After implantation, I think it's usually 5-7 days until the HCG reaches your urine.  1-3 days sounds about right, but I've never had implantation bleeding, and every woman and every pregnancy is different.  Yes, different pregnancy tests have different sensitivities.  First Response has been reported to be the lowest.  The digital tests are much higher, so if you are testing early, I would recommend First Response.  I'm not sure about the chemical pregnancy.  I would ask your doctor.  There's a fun website, that puts all the home pregnancy tests to the test.  check it out.

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