
How soon after implantation bleeding would you get a positive result? ?

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How soon after implantation bleeding would you get a positive result? Had a funny brown bleed last Tuesday which lasted 2 days - now having very sore nipples which I got with my first pregnancy but tests are negative.




  1. I got a very very small pink/red bleed that only lasted through the night at 8 dpo. I'm now 2 days late and still getting BFN!!! My b***s feel sore (not just when i move.. wearing a bra hurts!!) i tested every day since 9dpo!! which has just got me more depressed seein the negatives.

    So i would wait til you miss your period and test. If still nothing go see your Dr.

    All the best and i hope you get some good news :)

    *****BABY DUST*****

  2. It can be a week or more. Annoying, eh?!

  3. I read that is can take anywhere from 3-10 days. Some people don't ever get positive HPT...but a blood test should be accurate at this point.

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