
How soon after intercourse can you tell pregnancy symptoms?

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My partner and I had unprotected s*x for about 5 minutes before changing my mind about 2 weeks ago (18 days ago to be exact) and about a week and a half or 2 weeks later she told me that her nipples (not breast) started to hurt really bad. I've heard that this was a common symptom but couldn't really find the exact time frame for this particular symptom to occur..




  1. Many women begin noticing slight symptoms within a day or two of implantation, which usually occurs 7-10 days after conception (not necessarily the same as 7-10 days after s*x!). The pregnancy hormone, HCG, is not present in the bloodstream until after implantation, and sometimes can be detected by an early home pregnancy test as soon as 10 days past ovulation if pregnancy has occurred. After implantation, some women begin to feel the typical signs of early pregnancy -- sore b*****s, slight nausea, etc.

  2. If you had s*x 18 days ago, then you should get accurate results with a home pregnancy test.  I'm not sure what your situation is, but have you asked her if she's pregnant?  She should be due or slightly overdue for her period now...

    Sore nipples can be an indicator, but it was likely too early for it to be a true symptom (if she is pregnant).  It can take 8-12 days for a fertilized egg to implant and only afterward does the hormone hCG begin flooding the body - hCG is the cause of pregnancy symptoms.  The average time for women to start feeling something is 4 weeks into pregnancy or later.

  3. it could be a symptom of pregnancy or her period due, some woman get tender/sore breast or nipples hurting from around 7 days past ovulation which could be anything from 11 or so days after s*x, as its been 18 days after s*x you could get a accurate result on a test or wait to see if she misses her period  

  4. I found, for me, this to be the first thing that starts to hurt when you think your pregnant, but unfortunately for me, pregnancy has never been the case.  I bet she is just thinking she is and her hormones are acting up.

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