
How soon after loosing a baby should you get pregent again ?

by  |  earlier

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i know you should grive for the loss!! geting cuncling and all of the stuff your to do after a loss!!




  1. You let your body and heart heal and you go for it.

  2. You should wait until you are ready.

    You also might want to brush up on your spelling:

    pregent = pregnant

    grive = grieve

    geting = getting

    cuncling = counseling

    your = you're (short for you are)

  3. Who really cares about spelling?  If we all had to be word perfect on here then we'd lose most of the members!  

    I waited only a month as I felt a great need to hold by baby in my arms.  My baby girl was born healthy and is happy and well.  The hurt from losing your baby will never go away, you just learn to live with it and carry on with life.  You will have up days and down days.  

    It's different for everybody but falling pregnant again helped me in the healing process and I actually feel happy again now.  I did have a lot of counselling after the loss of my son and throughout the pregnancy which was absolutely necessary.  I also let myself be as sad as I wanted to be, nobody was going to hurry me through my grief.  The way I saw it my baby deserved his mummy's tears.  If you haven't had counselling yet go and get some.  

    Big hugs for your loss.

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