
How soon after quitting Wellbutrin XL (Bupropion hydrochloride) can I drink alcohol?

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I am currently on the lowest dose and am going to quit. I heard you should not drink any alcohol while on this medication, so how soon after you stop taking it is it safe to drink? (I would ask my psychiatrist, but he dropped my insurance, so...)




  1. Honestly, I wouldn't drink alcohol until at least 2-3 days after the last time you've had the medication in your system. The consumption of alcohol while on this medication increases risk of seizures, and is therefore not a safe nor smart thing to do.

  2. Bupropion (thought it was buproprion lol!) is an old drug.  In my opinion, it has little value as an antidepressant.  However, I could see it used for depression in people with movement disorders.  

    See, I know that it inhibits the re-uptake of several neural transmitters and blockers.  This includes dopamine, which is, above all, responsible for physical movement.  In comparison to any other drug used for depression, Bupropion HCL results in the highest levels of excess dopamine.      

    Alcohol indirectly increases dopamine levels.  As TAOL (above me) says, the result could be seizures.

    I'll stress this point further, however.  Until bupropion HCL is out of your system, seizures / uncontrolled movements almost certainly will happen if you drink.

  3. It would be the safest to wait at least a few days and up to a week before drinking alcohol.  Bupropion has a half-life of around 20-30 hours (which means about half of the medication will be out of your body by then). Depending on your metabolism, the drug can linger on for longer.  It would probably be safe to have ONE drink starting a day after you stopped the medication, but I would not have more than that after waiting close to a week.

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