
How soon after stopping your pills do you start ovulating?

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we've decided to ttc #2 and i stopped taking my pills we had our baby making session 4 days after i got off the pill and then i started my cycle the next day (4 days before it was suppose to start) but now my period is longer than normal. :(




  1. Hi Lisa i was on the pill for 5yrs and went off it in may this yr to have another baby we have 2 children already aged 12 and 5.I stopped the pill on may 8th had a period on 17th,then the next cycle i ovulated and had another period in june then ovulated again then fell pregnant in july but unfortunately had a m/c,i ovulated again and fell pregnant again this mth but lost it again.I guess it depends how long u been on pill for and ur body every one is different.

  2. Hi i was on the pill for over 9 years. It took me about 4 cycles to be able to figure out i had a 28 day cycle. Give it a couple of months and record everything, either on fertility friend or in a notebook. You'll see a pattern then. You might experience cramps and stuff that you dont normally have but dont be holding out thinking its because your'e pregnant. I did and was very upset when af kept showing up. On the 4th month i got a bfp

  3. not to depress you but i was on the pill for 10 long years.  last year my husband and i decided this was the right time for a baby.  well, lets see, my period never regulated it self and it's been a year so far.   soooo, we never really know when to bd because of the fact that any day could be the day for my period to show up!  i've been checked out and nothing disease wise is causing it, it's just my body still trying to regulate itself. fun huh? good luck, hopefully your body isn't stoopid like mine!

  4. Some people get prego right after and some it takes a few months. I have had 2 friends get prego on bc. I was on depo injection and it took 10 months just to get a period.

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