
How soon after you get pregnant do you start getting a belly?

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How soon?




  1. Really depends on the person, individual body shape, number of previous pregnancies etc.  It also depends on the what you mean by 'getting a belly' - at about 12 weeks or so with your first child you might feel like you have got a belly compared to what you are used to your body looking like but it will be nothing anybody else will notice.  With me from about 16 weeks with both pregnancies I sort of 'popped out' and by 18 weeks I definatly looked pregnant and not just extremely bloated! LOL.  Although I used to work at a birth centre and I would see some people come in that I thought were maybe about 16 weeks when they were actually closer to term and others that looked like they were due to drop but were only about 25 weeks - so it really depends - it doesn't necessarily give that much of a clue to the size of your baby either as the girl that I though looked really tiny actually had a really good sized baby!

  2. it depends on your body type and size. smaller ppl tend to show earlier such as three months. larger ppl may not start to show until 6 months

  3. It is diffrent for everybody, just depends on what size you were before you got pregnant i guess & how fast your baby is growing, but for me & most of the other mothers i know, they started showing at about 5 months.

  4. Well it differs from woman to woman and from pregnancy to pregnancy.

    Also thinner women would obviously start showing earlier then heavier women.

    Personally i was about 5months when i started showin, im 7 months now and my bump is still quite small, sometimes i actually look in the mirror and think "i dont even look pregnant" Lol!

  5. i love you boircth


  6. its depends on ur body shape I'm a size 16 and didn't show with my first until about 6 7 months although with my second pregnancy i had a bump at four month but my friend who is a size ten had a bump at ten weeks!

  7. It def. depends on your body type, some start getting a belly as soon as two months and others don't start to show as late as six would all depend!

  8. from 4 months i guess

  9. 4 months  

  10. It varies for different women. It could be as soon as 8 weeks..but then for some it takes like 20 weeks. Its later if its ur first time. If this is your second/third pregnancy ur bulging belly is visible faster! :)  

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