
How soon after your "promise ring" or "preengagement ring" did you get engaged?

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My boyfriend (32) gave me (25) a promise ring last February. I am hoping my real ring is coming soon.

Please only answer if you had a pre-/promise ring.




  1. I had a Promise ring, then engagement ring. then wedding ring.

    And its pretty much when the Boyfriend feels like buying it and asking you to marry him.

    I got my Promise ring in March 06.

    Engagment ring in Feb. 07.

  2. I got my promise ring in December of 2005, and my engagement ring in November of 2007. I don't think there is a set time. It all depends on the people in the relationship.

  3. I got a promise ring when i was 20 then i got my engagement ring when i was 21... I think it was just over a year. We were also living together. Although when we were shopping for my promise ring we were wondering if we should just make it an engagement ring sense it cost him 600. So i guess the thought of engagement was always there

  4. Until he and you are both ready...Which he probably isn't entirely...

    And until he can afford the next ring.

  5. Wow.  Is he taking you to homecoming too?

    Seriously,  if you are in your mid-twenties and he is in his early thirties and you didn't already get a "real" engagement ring....I wouldn't be holding my breath!

    You are both old enough to have a serious commitment and not a "promise"...this sounds like a cop out.

    Good luck, but I don't see it happening.

  6. I didn't have a promise ring or anything, but I can tell you I know for a fact that there's no set time when your engagement ring/proposal has to come after your promise ring. It depends entirely on the couple, when you both feel ready, when your significant other wants to propose and timing.

  7. It was 2 1/2 years before he proposed.

  8. I'm confused...promise rings are for teenagers to give each other until they are old enough to be engaged.  Did he actually call it a promise ring?  Or was it meant to say "You're special and I want to be exclusive"?  I would say at your ages it's time to have an honest talk about your expectations.  Is he clear that you want to be married?  If not, make sure he is or you may be waiting for a very long time...

  9. I think it's different for everyone. If you stressing about it, you might want to just ask him if he would still like to get married, or if he had changed his mind.

  10. Maybe you should ask him.  I mean, to be bluntly honest (and I hope you don't take this as rude), a promise ring is kind of "high school" to me, and the fact that your boyfriend is 32 and gave you a promise ring, to me that says he won't be ready for a real commitment for quite some time.

    There is something about a promise ring after the age of 20 that, to me, is immature.  So if your 32 year old boyfriend gave you one, that might signal that he still has some growing up to do, before he will even consider getting married.

    I was with my boyfriend (he's 24) for almost 4 years before he proposed, but there was not promise or pre-engagement ring involved.  He proposed marriage when he was ready to, and we were both at a stage in our lives when we were ready (i.e. the day I finished my university degree).

    I think you might want to sit him down and ask him questions like, "what do you see for us in the future?", "do you think you want to marry me sometime in the future?", "when do you think you will be ready for that commitment."  

    If you two have been together for over a year (almost two years I deduced from your details) then he should be able to handle a straight-forward conversation about the future and commitment.  If it makes him squirm, then he is a very immature 32 year old man that might never be ready for the real commitment of marriage. And I would hate for a girl to get strung along with a promise ring, or have your heart broken.

    Good Luck!

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