
How soon before kittens eyes open?

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We have a mama cat and she has given birth to 2 sweet kittens on Aug 10. I was how long before their eyes open? Also, the mother goes inside and outside and has brought fleas into the kittens. How do I get rid of the fleas safely?




  1. about 7-10 days.

    flea products cannot be used on kittens that young, so the only way you can really safely get the fleas off the babies are with a flea comb, a bowl of soapy water & a lot of patience. sit down with each kitten (and momma cat as well), and start combing thru them inch by inch, starting at the head. dip the comb in the bowl of water after each time thru the kitty (the soap will kill the fleas). be gentle, but don't miss a spot on them, esp areas like the whiskers, the folds (like armpits) or the belly/genital regions. rinse the babies off with a wet warm washcloth after to make sure there is no residue on them, and keep them in a nice warm draft-free area until they dry. vacuum the house really really well to get the fleas out of the carpet. good luck. fleas are such an obnoxious pest to deal with.

  2. generally 10 days

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