
How soon before school starts can I get student loans?

by Guest11025  |  earlier

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I am planning a move to the university 4 hours away and need money to get settled before since I am going to be living off campus. Any idea how soon before school starts can I get the loans? I am going in the spring semester...





  1. Schools won't dispurse money to freshman before classes starts.  Its fed regulation.  If you are not a freshman, you might get something a few days before school starts, but I wouldn't count on it for anything before you get there.

  2. FASFA takes about 2-4 weeks to get back to you, but there are other banks that will take 24 hours. Salliemae will let you know on the sopt if you are elligable for a loan. You will most likley need a cosigner unless you already have credit of your own. Research all loans and see what is the best interest rate you can get. Hope this helps I just got my loan for my 4 year university!

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