
How soon can I begin giving my son vitamins? He is 10 weeks and 4 days old. Thanks.

by Guest58958  |  earlier

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How soon can I begin giving my son vitamins? He is 10 weeks and 4 days old. Thanks.




  1. We started giving our son Trivisol after week 1 (upon advice from pediatrician).  It has three different vitamins A, C, and D.

    Also breastfeeding. True breastmilk may have all the good stuff but the extra vitamins certainly doesn't hurt according to our pediatrician.  We give it to him once a day but sometimes might skip a day here or there (which is not a big deal).

    Good luck.

  2. It could actually be a bad idea to give your son vitamins too early according to study. There has been noted casualties from incorrect timing, especially when (as someone above me said) They do get most of their nutrients through breast milk or formula, it might be best to consult with your doctor with your babies diet before taking any immediate action.

  3. I would ask your sons doctor .. he should be getting all the Vitamins from eather Breast milk or Formaula ,

    I really dont think he needs any vitamin supulments , My daughter is 2 1/2 and her pedi says that she dose not need them yet .

  4. He doesnt need them untill hes either one or starts drinking cows milk.  

  5. If you're giving him breastmilk or formula, he doesn't need vitamins.

  6. Unless your doctor advised you that he needed them..... then don't even worry about it for some time.  Breastmilk or formula will provide you son with all the vitamins he needs right now.

  7. He wont need it until he is off formula or breast. They have all the nutrients that he will need :)

  8. I was told that multivitamins for babies are very important. This is due to the fact that breast milk nor formula contain enough vitamin D. You can start vitamins at 12 weeks or just make sure you take the baby in the sun. The sun also is a good source of vitamin D.

    My daughter HATES the vitamins so I just take her outside everyday!  

  9. Not for a long time. They get what they need through breast milk or formula.

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